Thursday, November 26, 2015

Please (don't just say) Thank You

Certainly there are a million things to be thankful for. As Christians and non-Christians. As Americans and as people from anywhere else. So don't get me wrong, having a day to celebrate family and all of life's blessings is great. So long as you don't forget to do that everyday. But here is my challenge and my urgent prayer for myself and my family and for you and yours: do something about it. You're thankful for your faith, family, friends, a comfortable home, health, food, pets, a job, your school, your sport, etc.? Please, please, please remember this Thanksgiving that there are people without. Be overly thankful everyday for all of the blessings in your life because God has given you everything and there are people half way across the world and people in your neighborhood who don't have as much. But don't ever stop at just being thankful. Let your gratitude fuel a desire in you to help. Let Jesus fuel a desire in you to care for His lambs. Please. Whether it be relentless and faithful prayer for people who are suffering and barely getting by, or hands on volunteer work, or giving anything you can to help.  Whatever it may be, ask God to show it to you. And then do it. There's no reason not to. Thank you for reading. We love you a lot. Say thank you to Jesus. Then wash His feet.

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