Saturday, September 5, 2015

Our Passion


Interestingly enough this big and God filled passion did not begin with the Dalits or with India, and even today it doesn't fully lie there. Each of us have always been filled with a curiosity of the world and a desire to serve in it, everywhere and anywhere. Neither of us can fully answer when people ask us what we want to be or do when we grow up. Teaching, nursing, evangelizing, counseling, holding babies in orphanages all day, taking care of the old, sick and disabled- or maybe even the perfectly well. There are so many countries and so many things to do, sometimes it is extremely overwhelming. We pray and believe that God will direct our steps and we will end up exactly where He wants us, doing exactly what He wants us to do. Right now that's in high school in California. Right now that's serving in our schools and church and writing about a people group in India on a blog called Namaste.

There is not one doubt that all of this came from God. The passion, the desire, our broken hearts and our frustration with this broken and hurting world. God started it and He fuels it daily.  We are constantly rediscovering that the closer we get to The Father, the more we feel for this world. The stronger we grow in our faith, the deeper the hurt is for injustice, but also deeper is the love for God who in every situation is good.

Jesus is constantly inspiring us and challenging us to rethink the way that we love and serve others. His standards of love are perfect and holy. We will never be that, but His example is beautiful and we will strive for it. Just looking at the way Jesus lives makes both of us giddy. He serves humbly. He's authentic. He's hilarious.  He's present. He is good. He equally loves the outcast, His friends and family, the Pharisees, the people that nailed Him to a cross, and everyone in-between.

We are so excited to see where this crazy and wonderful God takes us and this passion He's given. We are so excited to be right here where He has us now.

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