Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Amazing Grace

The way Jesus loves is incomprehensible and I am definitely unable to put it into words. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Words to a song that reminds me of the heart of our Savior.  At the end of the day Jesus loves massively and fiercely, but He brings stillness and peace. There is rest in King Jesus's spirit. 

Our Father is love, truly. We are made to be his hands and feet. And though we fail, His love for us will never. How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. A sinner who tries everyday, too hard. Our Father knows we aren't perfect, that's why we have His Son. To be saved and made clean and made free of our burden. 

Jesus is a good Shepherd to us. I once was lost but now I'm found. Jesus makes me found. Jesus gives me a home. The identity of a child of a King and Creator, and a cherished and loved one at that. 

Jesus is a healer. He heals everything He touches, I cannot help but believe this with everything that I am. Was blind but now I see. Jesus makes me able. He has wiped the dirt that this world piles on and has made  me able. He can now use me to work for His great kingdom. 

What a good good Savior and Father and Shepherd and Healer. What amazing grace. 

Thank you, Jesus, in humility we bow. 

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