Friday, August 21, 2015

be still

Our lives are full of cramming and scheduling for school and work. Full of late nights filled with friends or of hard work. Of stress and of fun. A lack of sleep and a feeling of never having enough time. We all go through periods of time that are busier than others. That's right now for the two of us. There's work and practice and homework all while trying to maintain genuine relationships. I'm guessing you've been there too.

The easiest thing to do in these times is become overwhelmed and consumed by stress. To become taken over by the worry that this world so easily provides. We so often forget that our God is so much bigger than our lives and all that we have to get done, a list that seems to never end. It almost seems too easy to forget God's character of providing peace. We forget momentarily that He is the only one who is actually in control. 

Sometimes the hardest thing and the best thing are the same. In these situations the best thing is to be still. I have to remind myself daily to remember God, my Father. To sit and take a deep breath and rest in His presence and in who He is.

As much as I am saying this to you I am saying this to me: we have to be in His word, in Him. Remember that all of the deadlines and pressure will eventually end, but Jesus is eternal. He is what we either end with or don't. This is my trial daily. 

Rest in Abba. Take in His word. Be still. 
Psalm 46:10. "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth." 

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