Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Your Burden is His Delight -Eric Holmstrom

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 
-Jesus  [ Matthew 11:28 ]

The creators and founders of this blog have hearts that beat for the broken, wounded, and exploited people of their city, country, and world. Dani and Mary have inspired hundreds to open their eyes, look up, and choose to end injustice everywhere. It’s a huge calling, an impossible vision, and that’s what makes it God infused! Proud of you ladies, thanks for leading the charge!

Let’s start with this question: Is Jesus frustrated by your burdens? Are your burdens a bother to Him? I think too many of us live under the suspicion that our brokenness is annoying to God. Here’s why I think that: I see the tendency in myself to hide, pretend, cover up. I am terrified that my failures are going to interrupt God’s grand plan.

But that’s not who Jesus is or how He feels about you. He is way better than that! 

Jesus delights when you come to Him, not with your perfection, but with your struggles. Loving you in your brokenness is not an interruption to Jesus’ busy day, but rather His deepest desire. We think our small burdens are not important enough. Or worse, we think our overwhelming anxieties are too big for God. Jesus doesn’t qualify or deny certain burdens, worries, hurts. He invites us to bring them all to Him and there in the presence of Jesus, we’ll find rest. Not just generic rest. The kind of rest that is given to us as a gift by our Jesus who loves us. The imagery behind this word rest is that by experiencing this you and I would be refreshed, even revived. It’s not just about closing our eyes and sleeping. It’s a whole body and soul resurrecting kind of experience.

What’s burdening you right now? What’s heavy on your heart? What news did you just receive that you can’t seem to shake? What angers you? What baggage have you been carrying for years? 

Choose this week to stop running away from Jesus and start running towards Him. 
He loves you. He adores you. He wants to carry your burdens so you can be free.

Run to Him and you’ll find He’s been running towards you your entire life.

-Eric Holmstrom

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