Monday, February 15, 2016

Love. A Personal Reflection.

In preparation for a new week I was listening to Pieces by Bethel and decided I needed to be more intentional about love this week and forever. So I opened up to 1 Corinthians 13 and to our last blog post and said, "Well what did I tell them to do? I should probably do that." Then I made some notes and decided to be super vulnerable and share them with whoever reads this. Maybe they will help, maybe they won't, but here they are word for word:

" What would it be like if Love was an action intended for every single person I see?
-Being intentional with my words to everyone including my parents
-Being intentional with my thoughts even to those who are annoying me

How can I grow in my love for God this week?
-Wake up early to read
-Before anything ask Him to let me love Him more, and then sing to Him
-Read every night/pray
-Pray the ragamuffin prayer every night*
-Talk to Him out loud about the details of my day as I lie down to go to bed
-Intentionally note how He redefined love that day

"We are to love and respect everyone. No questions asked. No rolling our eyes." - Can I do this? Work on it.

Childlike faith/love: loving no matter how it's received or if it's reciprocated, no matter the social situation, being honest, being joyful, being unashamed (free), with a touch of folly, humility

Love/Intimacy = no hiding from Him
-Read Philippians 2:1-18, 1 Corinthians 13, Mark 12:28-34 at the end of every study time
-Reflect on how you can better show love to and serve all people

Love: patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not self-seeking, not proud, not dishonoring to others (?), not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always perseveres, always hopes, never fails

woah- God, I can't be all of these things all at once all of the time (ever?). Thank you that you expect me to fail more than I expect me to fail, and you still love me a lot. I love you. Please help me to love you more. And be these things. I would say, 'Wish me luck!' but you're these things in me and you're always with me and when you're with me I'm able. Amen. I love you, Jesus. "

* The Ragamuffin Prayer:


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